The Agenda will be published (3 working days prior to the meeting)
NB: Under the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 and LGA 1972, ss 100A to 100K and ACA 1998 s10, part of this meeting may be held in Private Session.
The public session of the meeting is a total of 15 minutes (this may be extended on the judgement of the Chairman).
Members of the public may only speak during the 'public session' and by raising your hand. Unless otherwise invited to do members of the public
may not speak to any other business on the agenda or become involved in debate.
All residents are welcome to attend the meeting, should a resident have any items you wish to bring to the attention of of the Parish Council, it would be most helpful if these are brought to the attention of the Clerk in advance of the meeting:
please use the 'Contact Us' tab, or speak with one or your local 'Councillors'
See Public Participation guidelines:
Parish Council Meetings:
Minutes - 2023/2024
Minutes - 2022/2023
Minutes - 2021/2022
Minutes - 2015-2019
Minutes - pre 2015
Annual Parish Meetings